
Trade Assurance

How MadeHere Africa Ltd keeps your payments secure and simple.

Every payment made through wemadethis.africa is SSL-encrypted, PCI DSS compliant, and processed  quickly in minutes. To protect your payment, never pay outside of the platform.

Diverse ways to pay

Pay with credit/debit cards, PayPal, MTN MOMO, AirTel Money, ECOCASH and more through our online checkout.

You can also make bank-to-bank wire transfers with escrow protection using the official bank information provided by MadeHere Africa Ltd.

To save you conversion fees on purchases and refunds, we support over 20 currencies you can pay in.

Flexible financing

Use any of the payment methods and currencies available to make an initial payment and settle the remaining balance with our deferred payment service:
Payment Terms: 30/60 Days* or contact the supplier directly to settle the terms.